May Civilian Staff Member of the Month

  • By Robin Brown
  • Posted Tuesday, June 25, 2024
During recent months of unrest and organized protests related to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, Wake Forest University (WFU) experienced similar protests on their campus, leading to an encampment on university grounds. Real Time Intelligence Center (RTIC) Analyst Mr. W. Breasure identified the propaganda and organizing activities of these groups through open source media monitoring. Demonstrating foresight and initiative, Analyst Breasure reached out to the WFU Police Department to alert them about a planned rally on campus. Analyst Breasure’s timely communication ensured that the WFU Police Department was aware of the planned rally well in advance. This early warning allowed WFU Police to prepare an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and develop an operational plan to manage the protest. Analyst Breasure provided ongoing support, contacting WFU Police at all hours to relay crucial information. The proactive actions of Analyst Breasure were instrumental in helping the WFU Police Department manage the situation effectively. His support reduced the need for an extensive law enforcement response, ensuring the safety of both the protesters and officers involved. His efforts facilitated a well-coordinated and informed approach, which helped maintain peace and order on campus. In recognition of his exceptional performance, dedication, and proactive intelligence gathering, RTIC Analyst Will Breasure is highly deserving of the "Civilian Employee of the Month" recognition. His work exemplifies the critical role of intelligence in modern law enforcement and community safety.