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Commission on Ending Homelessness (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County)


The purpose of the Commission is to act as a governing body for collaborative planning and implementation of strategic initiatives and investments to end homelessness in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. The Commission focuses on regional policy and implementation strategies, affordable housing development, data and gaps analysis, best practice research, social policy and systemic change.

Members and Non-Voting Staff Person(s)

The Commission is comprised of sixteen voting members. Five members are appointed by the City Council, upon recommendation of the Mayor. Five members are appointed by the County Commissioners. Five members shall be nominated by the Operating Cabinet of the Continuum of Care and shall be recommended by appointment by the City. The Mayor and the Chairperson of the County Commissioners shall appoint the Chairperson of the Commission. The membership shall be representative of the Homeless Council as well as other supportive services, and may include: rental real estate, mental health, social services, businesses and professionals, law enforcement and public safety, education, accounting, financial, or CPA background and two (2) At Large. In addition to the sixteen (16) aforementioned appointed members, one (1) elected City Official and one (1) elected County Official shall be appointed as ex-officio, non-voting members of the Commission.
Blank Line
The terms of office are for three years and are limited to two (2) consecutive terms. The Commission initially will be comprised of members of the Ten-Year Plan Commission on Homelessness. The remaining Commission seats shall be filled as described herein and those members shall serve three-year terms. The Chairperson will serve a two-year term.

Currently Serving

First Name Last Name Position Start Term End Term
IvisRomeroAt Large04/04/202403/31/2027
Kirby JRobinsonCounty Staff Member
KonradWalshLaw Enforcement/Public Safety Representative09/19/202405/31/2027
MalishaiWoodburyCounty Commissioner12/19/202412/31/2025
MelissaMorrisette-HurstEducation Representative06/23/202206/30/2025
RichardWatkinsMental Health Representative07/14/202203/31/2025
ShaneAtwoodSocial Services Representative03/01/202203/31/2025
SherekaFloydCity Staff Member
CynthiaJeffriesCity Appointment
MichaelWisemanCity Appointment
AlanHodgesCity Appointment
WilliamPennCity Appointment

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