Election Workers

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Poll Worker Application

The Forsyth County Board of Elections can offer you the opportunity to serve your community. Our office hires more than 300 dedicated, civic-minded individuals to serve during Early Voting in every major election. Early Voting is available for those who are registered in Forsyth County to vote at the Board of Elections office or at any of the designated satellite sites across the county, starting on the third Thursday prior to an election and ending at 3 pm on the Saturday before the election. The hours are 8:00 am - 7:30 pm on weekdays and varied hours on the weekends during the two-and-half week voting period. (§163-227.2)

Election Worker Application

Qualifications for Early Voting Workers

  • Must be registered voter of Forsyth County.
  • Must be of good repute and able to read and write.
  • "No person shall be eligible to work...who holds any elective office under the government of the United States or of North Carolina or any political subdivision thereof."
  • "No person shall serve...who is a candidate for nomination or election."
  • No person shall be eligible...who holds any office in a state, congressional district, county, or precinct political party or political organization, or who is a manager or treasurer for any candidate or political party, provided...a worker can be a delegate to a political party convention."
  • "No Early Voting worker who is the wife, husband, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, or sister of any candidate for nomination or election may serve as a worker during any primary or election in which such candidate participates..."
  • "The following categories or relatives are prohibited from serving at the same site: spouse, child, spouse of a child, sister, or brother."
  • That no site has workers all of whom are registered with the same party.
  • Early Voting workers work in shifts, working no more than 7 hours a day.
  • Early Voting workers must abide by the personnel regulations of Forsyth County.
  • Efforts are made to place workers at their preferred location(s).
  • The compensaation for Early Voting workers is $12/hour.
  • Early Voting Workers must abide by the personnel regulations of Forsyth County.

Positions and Responsibilities

  • Early Voting Workers
    Early Voting Workers are responsible for checking in voters, issuing ballots, activating the ballot-marking device, managing the tabulator, reconciling the voter applications, and curbside voting. Early Voting Workers assist with any tasks assigned by the site Lead, including the daily opening and closing process of the early voting site.
  • Rovers
    Rovers are assigned to multiple early voting sites and serve as the first contact for voting machine or tabulator problems. The Rovers are primarily responsible for the daily pickup of election materials and delivery of needed supplies. Use of a reliable personal vehicle is required. All Rovers must attend the required training.
  • Training
    All workers are provided with training sessions conducted by the Board of Elections prior to each major primary and general election. The training is comprised of small group, hands-on instruction that cover personnel information and election procedures. Early Voting Workers are paid to attend these training sessions in addition to their compensation.

  • Early Voting Workers are employed through a local temporary staffing agency.

Compensation for Early Voting Workers

Early Voting Worker $12 per hour
Rover $12 + Mileage
Required Training $40

The elections process involves an enormous amount of people working at the polling places and working in the Board of Elections office doing a variety of jobs. Do you want to help? Here is what you need to know: Election Workers Application

Qualifications for Election Day Precinct Officials (§163-41)

Election Day Precinct Officials can be recommended by the political parties and are appointed by the Board of Elections for a two-year term; beginning in August of odd-numbered years and every two years thereafter.
Each polling place is staffed with a CHIEF JUDGE, two JUDGES and some ASSISTANTS. The Board of Elections appoints the Chief Judge based on political party and staff recommendations. The Judges and Assistants represent each political party.

  • Persons appointed...must be registered voters and residents of the county in which the precinct is located, of good repute and able to read & write.
  • "No person shall be eligible to serve as a precinct official...who holds any elective office under government of the United States or of North Carolina or any political subdivision thereof."
  • "No person shall serve...who is a candidate for nomination or election."
  • "No person shall be eligible...who holds any office in a state, congressional district, county, or precinct political party or political organization, or who is a manager or treasurer for any candidate or political party, provided...a precinct official can be a delegate to a political party convention."
  • The following categories of relatives are prohibited from serving as precinct officials of the same precinct: spouse, child, spouse of a child, sister or brother.
  • No precinct official who is the wife, husband, mother, father, son, daughter, brother or sister of any candidate for nomination or election may serve as precinct official during any primary or election in which such candidate participates...

Positions and Responsibilities

  • Early Voting Workers
    Early Voting Workers are responsible for checking in voters, issuing ballots, activating the ballot-marking device, managing the tabulator, reconciling the voter applications, and curbside voting. Early Voting Workers assist with any tasks assigned by the site Lead, including the daily opening and closing process of the early voting site.
  • Rovers
    Rovers are assigned to multiple early voting sites and serve as the first contact for voting machine or tabulator problems. The Rovers are primarily responsible for the daily pickup of election materials and delivery of needed supplies. Use of a reliable personal vehicle is required. All Rovers must attend the required training.
  • Training
    All workers are provided with training sessions conducted by the Board of Elections prior to each major primary and general election. The training is comprised of small group, hands-on instruction that cover personnel information and election procedures. Early Voting Workers are paid to attend these training sessions in addition to their compensation.

  • Early Voting Workers are employed through a local temporary staffing agency.

Chief Judge
The CHIEF JUDGE is the head precinct official and is in charge of contacting the polling place custodian and the other officials to make arrangements for each election. The Chief Judge is also responsible for handling Election Day activities, as well as picking up and returning Election Day supplies before and after each election.

The JUDGES work closely with the Chief Judge and are responsible for conducting the election. They must sign all official documents and resolve any challenges. The Chief Judge assigns all other duties.

Help Desk Official
The HELP DESK Official's sole responsibility is to manage the help desk responsibilities including, precinct transfers and provisional ballots. The most common scenarios are unreported moves, late voter registration applications and assisting voters with any questions they may have.

The ASSISTANTS serve when needed and at the discretion and direction of the Chief Judge.

Election Staff Assistants (ESA)
The ESA works closely with the Chief Judge and the Board of Elections staff and are responsible for several precincts on Election Day. ESA’s are required to follow a route truck on Monday prior to Election Day to ensure correct equipment is delivered and to deliver poll books. An ESA is the first contact for voting machine or tabulator problems on Election Day. Use of a reliable personal vehicle is required. Election Staff Assistants must attend required poll worker training plus a required ESA specific training.

Early Voting Workers
Early Voting Officials share responsibilities with checking in voters, issuing ballots, activating the ballot-marking device, managing the tabulator, reconciling the voter applications, and curbside voting during the hours the polls are open for early voting.

Special Information
There are approximately five elections scheduled in each two-year term. (Special Referenda and bond elections also may be called) The Chief Judge and two Judges are required to work each election. Assistants are allotted when needed.

  • Elections are usually held on Tuesdays.
  • All polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Election Day Precinct Officials must be at their appointed polling place at 6:00 am and remain until all votes have been counted and documents signed - usually by 8:30 pm. General Statute §163-47 requires that precinct officials remain at the voting place for the entire day. No Election Day Precinct Officials may leave the polling place except in extreme emergencies.

Special Training
§163-46 requires all officials to attend training sessions conducted by the Board of Elections prior to each major primary and general election. Election Day Precinct Officials are paid to attend these training sessions in addition to their Election Day compensation. Training sessions are conducted the month prior to each primary and general election.

Compensation for Election Day Precinct Workers

Chief Judge $200
Judge $150
Help Desk Official $150
Assistant $120
Election Staff Assistant (ESA) $220 + mileage
Judges and Help Desk Officials Required Training $40
Election Staff Assistant (ESA) Required Training $20
Assistants Training $20

A law has been passed (G.S. 163-42.1) allowing students to be appointed to serve as student election assistants. These students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be at least 17 years old at the time of the primary or election.
  2. Be a United States citizen.
  3. Be Forsyth County resident.
  4. Be enrolled in a secondary school or home school.
  5. Have exemplary academic records as determined by the school.
  6. Be recommended by the school's principal or director, and
  7. Have parental consent.

No more than two student assistants may be assigned to one voting place. Each student assistant works under the direct supervision of the election judges and receives the same training and compensation as other assistants.

Anyone meeting the qualifications, should complete the form and either mail or hand-deliver the application to our office. In order to be considered, forms must have the proper authorizations and signatures.