Public Health
(336) 703-3100
Social Services
(336) 703-3800
Behavioral Health
(336) 703-2600
Bridges to Hope
(336) 776-3255
Animal Shelter
(336) 703-2480
Communicable Disease
24/7 - (336) 409-0357

Health Education Programs

Programs to educate and encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors to
prevent or delay the onset of disease, improve health and provide training
and learning opportunities geared towards employment.

This nutrition and physical activity program designed to assist in addressing the health of children and childhood obesity in 17 elementary schools.

The program uses the Organwise Guys, Inc. curriculum.

Learn more on the BeHealthy School Kids website.

  • Performs environmental investigations when children less than six years old are confirmed with elevated levels of lead in their blood.

The Community Nutritionist leads various nutrition education programs and sessions around the community, including:

  • Snacks & Facts Teen Nutrition Program
  • Med-South Lifestyle Program
  • Community presentations
Learn more on the Community Nutritionist website.

Forsyth Tech has teamed up with WinstonNet to bring FREE digital literacy classes to residents in Forsyth and Stokes counties.

Learn more on how to sign up and verify eligibility on our flyer.

  • Free self-management classes and support groups
  • Free educational materials and information
  • Tools and other resources to help you or a loved one maintain control of diabetes

  • Free self-management classes and support groups
  • Free educational materials and information
  • Tools and other resources to help you or a loved one maintain control of diabetes

  • Educational materials and other resources to assist you in improving or maintaining good health
  • Free education and exercise classes, workshops and lunch & learns
  • Area walking trail maps and information

Flourish is a pregnancy prevention program offered to females ages 9-13 living in Forsyth. Flourish provides age-appropriate education to females on peer pressure, bullying, female anatomy, and healthy relationships. These topics aid in building a foundation for principles and values that the youth uphold.

This is a case management program for post-partum women that helps improve their interconceptional health, maimize positive future births outcomes, and address racial disparities in infant mortality.

Learn more on the Healthy Start Baby Love Plus website.

  • Provides free parent classes and workshops to the community on various topics such as Safe Sleep, SIDS and child development: birth through adolescence.
  • Free community Resource Guides
Learn more on the Parenting Education website.

The Men's Health Program is a male based community outreach program that helps men become knowledgeable of chronic diseases and prevention. This program focuses on chronic illness and other health topics such as nutrition, physical activity and mental health.

For more information, visit the Men's Health webpage.

Nurse-Family Partnership is an evidence-based nurse home visiting program for first-time, low income pregnant women and their families starting early in pregnancy until the baby's second birthday.

You may qualify for Nurse-Family Partnership if you:

  • Are pregnant with your first baby.
  • Live in Forsyth County.
  • Are early in your pregnacny.
  • Have an income that qualifies you for Medicaid or WIC.
How does the program work?
Through weekly or twice a month home visits starting early in pregnancy until the baby is two years old, nurses support firsttime moms toward three goals:
  1. Improved pregnancy outcomes
  2. Improved child health and development
  3. Improved economic self-sufficiency of the family
How can I find out more about Nurse-Family Partnership?
  • Please visit our national website at
  • If you would like more information about Nurse-Family Partnership in Forsyth County or to find out if you can participate, please call our office at 336-703-3185.

The School Health Program is provided by Public Health nurses to address the health concerns, medical problems, and health care needs of the school age population. The program places emphasis on prevention, early intervention and remediation of health issues. Public Health nurses make weekly visits to each school and home visits as indicated to help meet the health needs of students, parents, schools and the community, thus facilitating effective education and positive student outcomes. Five schools designated as ECP (Exceptional Children's Programs) have a full-time public health nurse on staff.

For more information, call (336) 703-3100

UNIFY is a co-ed teen group that focuses on sexual health offered to Forsyth County residents ages 14-18. UNIFY uses an evidence-based curriculum in addition to supplemental videos and information from accredited adolescent health resources. UNIFY provides details on topics such as female & male anatomy, consent, birth control, STD/STIs, sexual behaviors, LGBTQIA+, and other topics involving sexual health.

For additional information, please contact 336-703-3180.

The Breastfeeding peer counselors (BFPC) provide encouragement, support, and informationto pregnant and breastfeeding women enrolled in the BFPC Program to help prevent, correct and/or manage common breastfeeding problems and to increase breastfeeding exclusivity and duration. Breastfeeding classes are offered online in English and Spanish and for more information to call 336-703-3346.

Learn more about breastfeeding classes.

The Preventative Dental Health Program located at the Forsyth County Department of Public Health provides non-clinical, preventative dental health services including, but not limited to, oral health assessments and referrals for children within Forsyth County.

Learn more on the Preventive Dental Health website.

Social Workers in the Employment Center work with any DSS customer who has an employment need, such as:

  • Thorough Social Work assessments of customer's strengths/needs in the areas of employment, family issues, health/mental health needs, etc.
  • Computer Lab use for things such as: resume assistance, access to job leads, job searching, mock interviews, hiring events with local employers, and workshops.
  • Explaining and enrolling Food and Nutrition Services recipients in the Food and Nutrition Services Employment Training Program.
For more information, call Employment Services at 336-703-3800.

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, more commonly known as WIC, is a public health nutrition program under the USDA providing nutrition education, nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, and healthcare referrals for income-eligible women who are pregnatn or post-partum, infants and children up to age 5. The program is designed to improve hte heatlh and well-being of Forsyth County residents. To determine eligibility or to schedule an appointment, please call 336-703-3336 (English) or 336-703-3370 (Espanol).

Learn more on the Forsyth County WIC website.

Find Us on Social Media

Public Health

Social Services

Animal Shelter

Public Health

799 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-703-3100
Fax: 336-748-3292

Social Services

741 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-703-3800
Fax: 336-727-2842

Bridges to Hope

725 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-776-3255

Animal Shelter

5570 Sturmer Park Circle
Winston Salem, NC 27105
Phone: 336-703-2480

Behavioral Health Services

Phone: 336-703-2600