If you are in Forsyth County, you can visit our
air quality forecast page and click on
“current hourly data”." If you’re anywhere within the state of North Carolina, you can visit the
Information Reporter to view current, past, and forecasted air quality conditions for ozone and particulate matter across the state. From
almost anywhere in the United States, you can reference
airnow.gov or the
mobile app for current air quality readings.
There are also air sensors that measure concentrations of fine particulates (PM2.5).
This map
containing real-time data from one of the many brands of air sensors (PurpleAir) that can give a qualitative
assessment of local air quality, though not as precise as the data collected and verified by the Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and
Protection’s monitoring network or those of other state, local, tribal, and federal air agencies.